# Here we generate the starting coordinates of the simulation # using PACKMOL. # You must run each packmol commend one after the other. # # NOTE: If PACKMOL gets stuck in an endless loop, then edit the corresponding # "inp" file (edit the "tolerance" and "distscale"). This should not happen, # but keep in mind that PACKMOL can be very slow. (Step3 takes several days.) # # NOTE: You can also usually interrupt packmol after 1 hour. The solution # at that point (an .xyz file) should be good enough for use. # (Of course, you should check to see that the file exists and the # structure looks reasonable visually before interrupting packmol. # Small holes are okay. The simulation protocol we use should close them.) packmol < step1_proteins.inp # This step determines the protein's location # It takes ~40 minutes (on a 2015 intel i7) packmol < step2_innerlayer.inp # This step builds the inner monolayer # It takes ~10 hours packmol < step3_outerlayer.inp # This step builds the outer monolayer # It takes ~1-3 days # NOTE: PLEASE USE "packmol", NOT "ppackmol". ("ppackmol" is the # parallel-version of packmol using OpemMP. This example has NOT been # tested with "ppackmol". Our impression was that the "ppackmol" # version is more likely to get stuck in an infinite loop. -Andrew 2015-8)