# PREREQUISITES: # # You must use moltemplate.sh (& packmol?) to create 3 files: # system.data system.in.init system.in.settings # # See "README_setup.sh" for instructions how to use moltemplate.sh # Note: This input script file only covers equilibration of the system. # # ------------------------------- Initialization Section -------------------- include "system.in.init" boundary p p p # ------------------------------- Atom Definition Section ------------------- read_data "system.data" # ------------------------------- Settings Section -------------------------- include "system.in.settings" # ------------------------------- Run Section ------------------------------- # Output: thermo 100 thermo_style custom step etotal evdwl ke pe temp press vol density & c_myMSD[1] c_myMSD[2] c_myMSD[3] c_myMSD[4] cpu dump 1 all custom 100 traj.lammpstrj & id type x y z c_q[1] c_q[2] c_q[3] c_q[4] & c_shape[1] c_shape[2] c_shape[3] & angmomx angmomy angmomz # Dynamics: timestep 10.0 fix 2 all npt/asphere temp 300. 300. 1000. iso 1. 1. 10000. fix_modify 2 press press_trasl run 20000