
If you get stuck or have feedback, I can reached at:
If I'm busy, I may decline, but either way, I will reply within a few days. The issues I choose to work on may be prioritized by how relevant they are to my current work, but bug reports and feature requests are always welcome. Bug patches (github pull requests) will be treated with priority.


Moltemplate was written by Andrew Jewett. Force fields and force-field conversion tools were provided by:
The following examples and molecule models were submitted by moltemplate users: Programming help, code suggestions, and documentation were provided by: Additional people have submitted contributions using github pull requests, (ranging from bug-fixes, force-field corrections, and example corrections), some of whome are not listed here. A complete list of github contributors is available here. I am also greateful to users who reported bugs. Their efforts were critically important, and I am now feeling embarassed that I failed to maintain a list of their names. If you are one of them, feel free to contact me, and I will list you here. (If anyone was omitted for any reason, please contact )